February 1, 2018

Crossovers for Rooftop, Ramps for Carts


For this project, our customer approached us letting us know that they would often require transporting heavy equipment across several areas of their large rooftop. As a part of maintenance on rooftop HVAC units the crews involved had to bring electrical motors and other heavier pieces of equipment to the effected equipment. They generally did this by carrying that material by hand. The weights involved could be as much as 100 pounds. There are a number of permanent obstructions on the roof such as drains, gas lines and cable trays that made access to some of the equipment complicated and hazardous. The main concern was lifting hazards as well as tripping hazards. Material would be carried across the rooftop either by hand or with carts but then there would be complications whenever material had to be lifted over an obstruction.


After reviewing the areas, we proposed, designed, and fabricated ramp crossovers. Typically our crossovers are stair systems which work well for personnel, but aren’t designed for carts to move across. The crossovers were installed in areas of pipes and cable trays as well as curbs from one roof level to another. This allowed the operators to safely transport heavy electric motors and tools safely from one area another. The ramps were designed with an open grating, to allow for good grip and for snow to not accumulate on the ramps.


The customer was pleased with the results as it allowed for the safe handling of materials from one area to another. It addressed the lifting issues as well as eliminating slip and trip hazards.

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